French Connection
This year by coincidence we had a true French workforce lined up. With Covid still present we weren’t sure how this year’s harvest and the help needed would turn out. But once again we were very lucky to be able to welcome wonderful helpers from abroad. The start of the harvest was pushed back due to a very cool and rather wet April. With the heat quickly picking up in May we were busy picking on the fields by the end of the month . Our white roses (Rosa alba) have now reached a considerable size and are well worth picking. The interest in the alba rose is not only in the precious rose essential oil and rose water. – Also dried buds and flowers for teas are in high demand and we spend quite a bit of our efforts picking the buds. Picking rose buds differs from picking the freshly opened blossoms. It can get quite sticky on your hands but our great team excelled at picking buds.
10 Years Little Rose Fields
This year’s harvest marked our 10 year anniversary – the 10th harvest. Starting in 2011 with planting roses on one field we have come a long way. The “baby” field is still called such, even though now it is far from being a starter field. It is the field with the most memories, hardships and joy. Farming requires a great deal of patience, endurance and positive outlook. Sometimes one can get lost in the struggles but the harvest will show you every year why it was worth it – Nothing compares to the smell of the first rose of the season.
Welcoming visitors from all over the world each year has been an important part of this venture from the start. Looking back to each harvest in the past, the memories are all connected to the wonderful people we met. Some followed their passion for farming and started their own ventures, such as Stacey and Jowrney with their hop farm “Hopeden” in Korea.
Little Rose Fields wouldn’t be what it is if it weren’t for all the cultural exchanges and inspiration.
“Never give up on a dream just because of the time it will take to accomplish it. The time will pass anyway.”
– Earl Nightingale
Early morning perks – Sunrises
Even if you are not the most motivated early riser – So far every one visiting us has confirmed that once you are on the fields and smell the sweet scent of freshly opened roses, hear the birds chirping and get warmed by the sun rising it was well worth it.
Picking roses is all about positive vibes and a communal feeling – This year was extraordinary in that sense. Alix, Hugo, Cami, Elisa, Fanette, Salomé, Zoé and Beth were amongst the most attentive, supportive and cheerful bunch of volunteers we ever welcomed.
After a busy morning on the fields there is nothing better than knowing the crop of the day is taken care of and we can all sit down to a nice brunch. Playing cards, picking cherries, baking, and plenty of laughing filled the afternoons.
After a year of very little social contacts it is heartwarming to see these little interactions – Salomé picking roses with Ani. Our youngest picker at age 3 is doing a good job picking rose buds and in charge of quality control 😉
Thank you
We owe everyone who was part of this year’s harvest a big thank you – Your efforts and positive vibrations were greatly appreciated and contributed to the successful harvest 2021. We hope to stay in touch and are happy to hear from you.
If you wish to be part of our team 2022 then feel free to contact us.