Later than the last years but richer than ever – and not just in yield but also in sharing with volunteers – this year was truly special. As we expected the harvest to start a little earlier we had a great group of helpers eager to pick with no roses to pick yet – So we made good use of the time and dedicated some joined workforce to one of our fields that has many Black locust trees growing in between the roses as it is next to a natural forest. If only we always had such a great group to take care of the roses – Things would look much more rosy ๐Ÿ™‚

As a few days pass by the roses were getting ready to bloom and a great season was ahead of us. Where in the beginning we pulled in a couple of dozen kilos soon it was a couple of hundred and it didn’t seem to end…There were days where we finished picking a field and then looking back you would see no difference: Everything is in bloom again – You might as well start picking again! 

And even though one could easily get overwhelmed – When you have these spectacular views in the morning everyone is eager to get to the field.

There is no better feeling than carrying the load of the day home! 

But then you remember – Oh, but what about the white ones? More delicate in fragrance but chunkier in size, these are some people’s favorites to pick!

Although we cannot complain about the weather this harvest we did have a couple of days of very heavy rain that left one field flooded for the last days of picking. Luckily we had such dedicated pickers who go all in for the roses ๐Ÿ™‚

Good music and good food is what brings people together. And this year we were blessed with four amazing violinists! I mean…what are the odds?!

This year we had the honor of sharing the rose picking with volunteers from Australia, Bulgaria, Canada, China, Germany, Kazakhstan, Mongolia, The Netherlands, Singapore, South Korea, UK and the USA. The roses don’t allow us to travel much anymore – But who needs to travel when you can get cultures from all over the world join you in your back yard!

Thank you everyone involved this year for the great help and amazing time!