What’s Happening
We are busy on the fields throughout the year and are happy to share some of our rose farm life with you.
And the picking goes on…
Already worried in April that the roses might start blooming any time now due to the short and mild winter, plenty of rain and little sun kept the harvest going. Our longest picking season didn’t faze our guests: This year’s picking season was very Japanese having Yumi and Yuri as our guests.
Airport Event 2014
The third year in row, we welcomed tourists at the Sofia and Burgas airport with a freshly picked rose for two days during picking season.
Rose harvest 2014 has started
After a rainy start of the rose picking season this year, the weather got better the last few days helping more and more roses to bloom. From now on, the morning starts at 5 am picking the roses at sunrise. We welcome anyone interested to join us for the “rosiest” time of the year.
Bulgaria 1965
A British travelogue of Bulgaria from the year 1965. Emphasizing on one of Bulgaria’s best feature…the Rose Valley.
Hello Spring, Hello Rain
April ist bekanntermaßen der nasseste Monate im Rosental. Reichlich Regen sorgt dafür, dass die Rosen gut gedeihen können für die anstehende...
Hello Spring, Hello Rain
April is known to be the wettest month at the roses. Plenty of rain to get the roses growing for the upcoming rose bloom. – This year, it was an especially rainy spring season. No chance to get to the rose fields without 4-wheel-drive.
Happy Baba Marta!
The first of March is the day of “Baba Marta” in Bulgaria marking the end of Winter. On this day, people give each other the so called “martenitsi”, small red and white thread dolls (called Pizho and Penda (Пижо и Пенда), interwoven string bracelets – sometimes with other little trinkets attached wishing a “ЧЕСТИТА БАБА МАРТА” – “Happy Grandma March”.
Frohe Baba Marta
Der erste März ist in Bulgarien der Tag der “Baba Marta” und zeichnet das Ende des Winters. An diesem Tag schenken sich die Menschen einander sogenannte “Martenizi”, kleine rot-weiße Püppchen (namens Pizho und Penda (Пижо и Пенда), geflochtene Armbänder aus roten und weißen Wollfäden – manchmal mit kleinen Schmuckstücken angehängt und wünschen sich “ЧЕСТИТА БАБА МАРТА” – “Glückwunsch zum Großmütterchen März”.
September frost hits the Roses
Having had an unusual hot and dry summer, it wasn’t until September that we could work on the roses again. While our so called “Sidekick” field has been trimmed to base level this year just after the rose harvest and regrown quite healthy, the “Little ones” had a tough time without any water.
Be our guest!
We always welcome people who are interested in the Bulgarian Rose Valley to visit us and take them on a little tour around Panicherevo. This year we had Montez from New York, Pam and Arturo from Spain and Anna and Julia from Germany come and visit.
Reach Us
Farm: 6172 Panicherevo, Bulgaria
Office: 1000 Sofia, Bulgaria
+359 (0) 878 237 776